- Asbestos from Libby a far more toxic variety (Baltimore Sun)
The asbestos contaminating the vermiculite ore from the W.R. Grace & Co. mine in Libby was tremolite. Its fibers are far more toxic, and it produces 10 to 100 times more scarring, than the more widely used chrysotile asbestos. The fibers are like microscopic needles or spears, which, because of their sharpness, become imbedded in lung tissue. Over time, the fibers become infected and create scar - Payout victory likely for asbestos victims (The Advertiser)
ASBESTOS victims are close to victory, with legislation to fast-track compensation claims likely to go through State Parliament within weeks. Independent MP Nick Xenophon will introduce a Bill to improve laws for victims when Parliament resumes next week. - Asbestos cleanup plan in the works for Campion Towers (The Greyhound)
Campion Tower is currently going through an on-going asbestos project to ensure that asbestos in the building is not released into the air, and posing a serious risk to students living in the building. Asbestos was widely used in older buildings as insulation in such materials as floor tiles, ceiling tiles, insulation on pipes and ducts and roofing materials because of its resistance to heat and - Asbestos and Turkish farmers (Medical News Today)
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral which has been extensively used in most Western countries mainly in building and construction. It was later proven that it can cause different types of cancers and other diseases, the reason why its use is now banned in many countries. - Ban On Asbestos Products On the Cards (AllAfrica.com)
GOVERNMENT edged closer last week to the mooted ban of asbestos when the cabinet approved the publication for public comment of the new asbestos regulations.
Nov, 2018